Raw Data by Technology
Datatype | Individual | Bases | Coverage | Bytes | Access |
PacBio HiFi (.bam) | aPelIbe1 | 70.56 Gbp | N/A | 222.6 GiB | |
Arima | aPelIbe1 | 106.00 Gbp | N/A | 49.1 GiB |
Bases and Coverage are approximate.
Coverage based on genome size .
Last upload on 5 April 2023.
Coverage based on genome size .
Last upload on 5 April 2023.
Raw Data by Individual
Individual | Datatype | Bases | Coverage | Bytes | Access |
aPelIbe1 | PacBio HiFi (.bam) | 70.56 Gbp | N/A | 222.6 GiB | |
Arima | 106.00 Gbp | N/A | 49.1 GiB |
Bases and Coverage are approximate.
Coverage based on genome size .
Last upload on 5 April 2023.
Coverage based on genome size .
Last upload on 5 April 2023.
Individual 1 Haplotype 1 Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 14 April 2023
aPelIbe1.hap1.decon.20230414.fasta.gz (534.2 MiB)
Quality: not computed
Version assembly_curated from 14 April 2023
aPelIbe1.hap1.decon.20230414.fasta.gz (534.2 MiB)
Quality: not computed
Contigs | Scaffolds | |||
NG | LG | Len | LG | Len |
10 | 5 | 29.57 Mbp | 1 | 293.03 Mbp |
20 | 13 | 20.16 Mbp | 2 | 229.98 Mbp |
30 | 24 | 15.31 Mbp | 3 | 222.95 Mbp |
40 | 40 | 11.22 Mbp | 4 | 208.84 Mbp |
50 | 62 | 7.91 Mbp | 5 | 199.28 Mbp |
60 | 92 | 5.65 Mbp | 6 | 187.61 Mbp |
70 | 137 | 3.80 Mbp | 7 | 168.42 Mbp |
80 | 205 | 2.47 Mbp | 9 | 79.13 Mbp |
90 | 315 | 1.24 Mbp | 12 | 46.26 Mbp |
100 | 794 | 7.00 Kbp | 240 | 7.00 Kbp |
1.000x | 794 | 2.03 Gbp | 240 | 2.03 Gbp |
NG based on genome size .
Individual 1 Haplotype 2 Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 14 April 2023
aPelIbe1.hap2.decon.20230414.fasta.gz (535.7 MiB)
Quality: not computed
Version assembly_curated from 14 April 2023
aPelIbe1.hap2.decon.20230414.fasta.gz (535.7 MiB)
Quality: not computed
Contigs | Scaffolds | |||
NG | LG | Len | LG | Len |
10 | 7 | 25.23 Mbp | 1 | 292.93 Mbp |
20 | 16 | 20.10 Mbp | 2 | 228.76 Mbp |
30 | 29 | 13.26 Mbp | 3 | 223.65 Mbp |
40 | 47 | 10.31 Mbp | 4 | 210.34 Mbp |
50 | 70 | 7.74 Mbp | 5 | 208.48 Mbp |
60 | 101 | 5.73 Mbp | 6 | 186.92 Mbp |
70 | 145 | 3.87 Mbp | 7 | 176.90 Mbp |
80 | 209 | 2.52 Mbp | 9 | 83.01 Mbp |
90 | 316 | 1.37 Mbp | 12 | 46.73 Mbp |
100 | 784 | 2.00 Kbp | 245 | 2.00 Kbp |
1.000x | 784 | 2.05 Gbp | 245 | 2.05 Gbp |
NG based on genome size .
Individual 1 Mitochondrial Assembly
Version assembly_vgp_HiC_2.0 from 8 March 2023
aPelIbe1.mito.20230308.fasta.gz (5.6 KiB)
Quality: not computed
Version assembly_vgp_HiC_2.0 from 8 March 2023
aPelIbe1.mito.20230308.fasta.gz (5.6 KiB)
Quality: not computed
Assembly Metadata
Data Use Policy
Samples and data come from a variety of sources. To support fair and productive use of this data, please abide by the Data Use Policy and contact Erich D. Jarvis, ejarvis@rockefeller.edu, with any questions.