Balaenoptera acutorostrata

minke whale

Included in the VGP.

Resource Primary Assembly Alternate Assembly
GenBank mBalAcu1: GCA_949987535.1 mBalAcu1: GCA_950005055.1
ENA mBalAcu1: GCA_949987535.1 mBalAcu1: GCA_950005055.1
UCSC Genome Browser mBalAcu1: GCA_949987535.1 mBalAcu1: GCA_950005055.1

metadata.yaml (view) (edit on github)
CC BY 3.0 Kris Mikael Krister (Wikimedia)
Raw Data by Technology
Datatype Individual Bases Coverage Bytes Access
PacBio HiFi (.bam) mBalAcu1 237.44 Gbp 82.86x 384.6 GiB
Arima mBalAcu1 501.99 Gbp 175.18x 147.9 GiB
Bases and Coverage are approximate.
Coverage based on genome size 2.87 Gbp.
Last upload on 25 April 2023.
Raw Data by Individual
Individual Datatype Bases Coverage Bytes Access
mBalAcu1 PacBio HiFi (.bam) 237.44 Gbp 82.86x 384.6 GiB
Arima 501.99 Gbp 175.18x 147.9 GiB
Bases and Coverage are approximate.
Coverage based on genome size 2.87 Gbp.
Last upload on 25 April 2023.
Individual 1 Primary Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 21 April 2023
mBalAcu1.pri.cur.20230421.fasta.gz (745.1 MiB)

Quality: not computed

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 32 7.38 Mbp 2 186.39 Mbp
20 76 5.61 Mbp 4 151.96 Mbp
30 133 4.59 Mbp 5 144.37 Mbp
40 203 3.72 Mbp 8 118.66 Mbp
50 290 2.92 Mbp 10 116.51 Mbp
60 404 2.22 Mbp 13 94.44 Mbp
70 557 1.58 Mbp 16 90.09 Mbp
80 781 1.01 Mbp 19 81.38 Mbp
90 1240 372.65 Kbp 130 0.52 Mbp
100 0 0
0.968x 2552 2.77 Gbp 1375 2.77 Gbp
NG based on genome size 2.87 Gbp.
Individual 1 Alternate Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 21 April 2023
mBalAcu1.alt.cur.20230421.fasta.gz (708.9 MiB)

Quality: not computed

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 341 0.61 Mbp 341 0.61 Mbp
20 901 438.50 Kbp 901 438.50 Kbp
30 1648 337.53 Kbp 1648 337.53 Kbp
40 2619 261.47 Kbp 2619 261.47 Kbp
50 3875 199.61 Kbp 3875 199.61 Kbp
60 5543 146.88 Kbp 5543 146.88 Kbp
70 7934 96.58 Kbp 7934 96.58 Kbp
80 11908 53.47 Kbp 11907 53.49 Kbp
90 20517 18.56 Kbp 20516 18.56 Kbp
100 0 0
0.904x 21272 2.59 Gbp 21271 2.59 Gbp
NG based on genome size 2.87 Gbp.
Data Use Policy

Samples and data come from a variety of sources. To support fair and productive use of this data, please abide by the Data Use Policy and contact Erich D. Jarvis,, with any questions.