Pan paniscus


Included in the T2T.

metadata.yaml (view) (edit on github)
CC BY-NC 2.0 Joachim S. Müller (flickr)
Raw Data by Technology
Datatype Individual Bases Coverage Bytes Access
PacBio HiFi (subreads) mPanPan1 3894.81 Gbp 1077.79x 6.9 TiB
PacBio HiFi (.fq) mPanPan1 653.92 Gbp 180.95x 493.9 GiB
PacBio HiFi (.bam) mPanPan1 824.41 Gbp 228.14x 0.9 TiB
Oxford Nanopore Simplex mPanPan1 1131.97 Gbp 313.24x 867.3 GiB
Dovetail Genomics mPanPan1 107.48 Gbp 29.74x 54.2 GiB
Illumina mPanPan2 237.05 Gbp 65.60x 114.2 GiB
mPanPan3 184.26 Gbp 50.99x 91.4 GiB
Bases and Coverage are approximate.
Coverage based on genome size 3.61 Gbp.
Last upload on 28 October 2023.
Raw Data by Individual
Individual Datatype Bases Coverage Bytes Access
mPanPan1 PacBio HiFi (subreads) 3894.81 Gbp 1077.79x 6.9 TiB
PacBio HiFi (.fq) 653.92 Gbp 180.95x 493.9 GiB
PacBio HiFi (.bam) 824.41 Gbp 228.14x 0.9 TiB
Oxford Nanopore Simplex 1131.97 Gbp 313.24x 867.3 GiB
Dovetail Genomics 107.48 Gbp 29.74x 54.2 GiB
mPanPan2 Illumina 237.05 Gbp 65.60x 114.2 GiB
mPanPan3 Illumina 184.26 Gbp 50.99x 91.4 GiB
Bases and Coverage are approximate.
Coverage based on genome size 3.61 Gbp.
Last upload on 28 October 2023.
Individual 1 Diploid Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 22 November 2023
mPanPan1.dip.cur.20231122.fasta.gz (1.7 GiB)

Quality: not computed

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 2 226.40 Mbp 2 226.40 Mbp
20 4 196.43 Mbp 4 196.43 Mbp
30 6 191.15 Mbp 6 191.15 Mbp
40 8 188.96 Mbp 8 188.96 Mbp
50 10 180.45 Mbp 10 180.45 Mbp
60 12 176.55 Mbp 12 176.55 Mbp
70 14 160.24 Mbp 14 160.24 Mbp
80 16 150.73 Mbp 16 150.73 Mbp
90 18 147.03 Mbp 18 147.03 Mbp
100 21 139.82 Mbp 21 139.82 Mbp
1.737x 82 6.28 Gbp 70 6.29 Gbp
NG based on genome size 3.61 Gbp.
Individual 1 Primary Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 22 November 2023
mPanPan1.pri.cur.20231122.fasta.gz (895.8 MiB)

Quality: not computed

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 2 196.43 Mbp 2 196.43 Mbp
20 4 191.15 Mbp 4 191.15 Mbp
30 6 176.55 Mbp 6 176.55 Mbp
40 8 160.24 Mbp 8 160.24 Mbp
50 11 141.82 Mbp 11 141.82 Mbp
60 13 126.55 Mbp 13 126.55 Mbp
70 16 105.85 Mbp 16 108.45 Mbp
80 20 91.86 Mbp 20 91.86 Mbp
90 0 0
100 0 0
0.897x 36 3.24 Gbp 30 3.24 Gbp
NG based on genome size 3.61 Gbp.
Individual 1 Alternate Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 22 November 2023
mPanPan1.alt.cur.20231122.fasta.gz (839.4 MiB)

Quality: not computed

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 2 196.68 Mbp 2 196.68 Mbp
20 4 188.96 Mbp 4 188.96 Mbp
30 6 176.62 Mbp 6 176.62 Mbp
40 8 150.73 Mbp 8 150.73 Mbp
50 11 136.87 Mbp 11 136.87 Mbp
60 14 115.37 Mbp 14 118.00 Mbp
70 17 104.93 Mbp 17 104.93 Mbp
80 21 70.55 Mbp 21 70.55 Mbp
90 0 0
100 0 0
0.841x 46 3.04 Gbp 40 3.04 Gbp
NG based on genome size 3.61 Gbp.
Individual 1 Maternal Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 22 November 2023
mPanPan1.mat.cur.20231122.fasta.gz (886.4 MiB)

Quality: not computed

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 2 196.43 Mbp 2 196.43 Mbp
20 4 189.05 Mbp 4 189.05 Mbp
30 6 176.55 Mbp 6 176.55 Mbp
40 8 158.10 Mbp 8 158.10 Mbp
50 11 141.82 Mbp 11 141.82 Mbp
60 13 126.55 Mbp 13 126.55 Mbp
70 16 109.41 Mbp 16 109.41 Mbp
80 20 95.58 Mbp 20 95.58 Mbp
90 0 0
100 0 0
0.887x 37 3.21 Gbp 32 3.21 Gbp
NG based on genome size 3.61 Gbp.
Individual 1 Paternal Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 22 November 2023
mPanPan1.pat.cur.20231122.fasta.gz (848.7 MiB)

Quality: not computed

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 2 196.68 Mbp 2 196.68 Mbp
20 4 188.61 Mbp 4 188.61 Mbp
30 6 176.62 Mbp 6 176.62 Mbp
40 8 150.73 Mbp 8 150.73 Mbp
50 11 135.75 Mbp 11 135.75 Mbp
60 14 113.36 Mbp 14 116.13 Mbp
70 17 100.43 Mbp 17 100.43 Mbp
80 21 70.72 Mbp 21 70.72 Mbp
90 0 0
100 0 0
0.850x 45 3.07 Gbp 38 3.08 Gbp
NG based on genome size 3.61 Gbp.
Individual 1 Mitochondrial Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 22 November 2023
mPanPan1.MT.cur.20231122.fasta.gz (5.3 KiB)

Quality: not computed
Data Use Policy

Samples and data come from a variety of sources. To support fair and productive use of this data, please abide by the Data Use Policy and contact Erich D. Jarvis,, with any questions.