Mustelus asterias

starry smooth-hound

Included in the VGP.

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Raw Data by Technology
Datatype Individual Bases Coverage Bytes Access
PacBio HiFi (.bam) sMusAst1 123.67 Gbp 29.41x 45.6 GiB
Arima sMusAst1 972.47 Gbp 231.24x 270.7 GiB
Bases and Coverage are approximate.
Coverage based on genome size 4.21 Gbp.
Last upload on 9 May 2024.
Raw Data by Individual
Individual Datatype Bases Coverage Bytes Access
sMusAst1 PacBio HiFi (.bam) 123.67 Gbp 29.41x 45.6 GiB
Arima 972.47 Gbp 231.24x 270.7 GiB
Bases and Coverage are approximate.
Coverage based on genome size 4.21 Gbp.
Last upload on 9 May 2024.
Individual 1 Haplotype 1 Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 9 August 2024
sMusAst1.hap1.cur.20240809.fasta.gz (1.0 GiB)

Quality: not computed

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 86 3.64 Mbp 3 159.79 Mbp
20 228 2.43 Mbp 6 147.99 Mbp
30 432 1.78 Mbp 8 140.55 Mbp
40 704 1.34 Mbp 12 111.21 Mbp
50 1068 1.00 Mbp 16 103.48 Mbp
60 1562 0.72 Mbp 20 82.89 Mbp
70 2297 449.85 Kbp 27 43.68 Mbp
80 3710 187.77 Kbp 384 360.00 Kbp
90 0 0
100 0 0
0.875x 8904 3.68 Gbp 5314 3.68 Gbp
NG based on genome size 4.21 Gbp.
Individual 1 Haplotype 2 Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 9 August 2024
sMusAst1.hap2.cur.20240809.fasta.gz (0.9 GiB)

Quality: not computed

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 89 3.58 Mbp 3 157.47 Mbp
20 233 2.36 Mbp 6 149.22 Mbp
30 437 1.80 Mbp 9 135.76 Mbp
40 712 1.32 Mbp 12 109.78 Mbp
50 1085 0.96 Mbp 16 101.70 Mbp
60 1609 0.66 Mbp 21 81.11 Mbp
70 2450 368.67 Kbp 27 44.47 Mbp
80 4637 83.00 Kbp 1123 83.40 Kbp
90 0 0
100 0 0
0.827x 7908 3.48 Gbp 4403 3.48 Gbp
NG based on genome size 4.21 Gbp.
Individual 1 Mitochondrial Assembly
Version assembly_MT_cambridge from 15 May 2024
sMusAst1.MT.20240515.fasta.gz (5.1 KiB)

Quality: not computed
Data Use Policy

Samples and data come from a variety of sources. To support fair and productive use of this data, please abide by the Data Use Policy and contact Erich D. Jarvis,, with any questions.